Medical Advice

What Causes Lower Back Pain in Females: 7 Effective Methods

What Causes Lower Back Pain in Females


Nowadays, lower back pain has become a common problem in men and women. This pain is caused by many reasons such as injury in the back muscles, fracture, bad posture, and so on. This problem can also increase due to age. If we do not treat it on time, then the problem will increase further.

The problem of lower back pain is more common in women

Common Causes of Lower Back Pain in Women

Here, we discuss some causes of lower back pain in women.

PMS and Menstruation

PMS and Menstruation are the conditions of before periods. During this time women suffer from back pain because of swelling in the pelvic area.

The symptoms of PMS and menstruation are:

  • Feeling tired
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Sticky skin 
  • Swelling in the breasts

Urinary Tract Infection

Women with Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) have a lot of pain in the lower back. The urine comes out in small quantities. This problem also affects the kidneys.

Symptoms of the Urinary Tract Infection are:

  • Pain during peeing
  • Blood in pee
  • Suffering from Fever
  • Feeling cold 


During pregnancy, women can also suffer from back pain, Back pain is common, because the uterus expands during pregnancy.

Hormonal change, weight gain, stress, etc., are also the reasons for lower back pain in women during pregnancy.

Muscle strain

Muscle strain is the common cause of the back pain. When we pick up something incorrectly we start having back pain, even when doing wrong exercise, our muscles get stretched due to which we start having back pain. Sometimes, we start having back pain after sitting incorrectly, we bend our body incorrectly, and then the pain starts in our back.


In Endometriosis some tissue same as the lining inside the uterus is growing outside the uterus. Because of this women suffer from back pain. It can affect the uterus, ovary, bladder, intestine, vagina, ovaries and pelvic organ.

The symptoms of the endometriosis are:

Painful period: In endometriosis, women suffer from painful periods because of the hormonal change during the period. Women face many problems during painful periods.

Pain During sex: In endometriosis pain is common during sex.

Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: In endometriosis, women face many problems during heavy bleeding. The other causes of heavy bleeding during this period are disorders in the platelet, problems in blood vessels, and disorders in coagulation.

Infertility: Endometriosis is the one cause of infertility in women. Endometriosis decreases fertility. Some tissues are grown in the pelvic and abdominal areas and block the reproductive area.

Poor Posture

Many times we work by sitting in the wrong posture in the office or home,  so the pain starts in our back. When we are walking wrong then also pain starts in our back, even when we wash utensils for a long time, we start having pain in our back. It means the poor position of our body during work or sleep also causes back pain.


Sciatica is very common for back pain. During sciatica, we can’t walk properly. Sometimes, sciatica is caused by injuries. The problem keeps increasing with age, and excess body weight is also a cause of sciatica.

Symptoms of Sciatica:

  • Weakness in legs
  • Pain in the lower back
  • Feeling numbness in the legs

Best Remedies For Women to Treat Lower Back Pain

Hot and Cold Therapy

Hot and cold therapy is beneficial for treating back problems. If we apply ice in the back it helps to reduce the back and knee pain. 

It improves blood circulation, reduces back pain and the strain of muscles, and also helps to keep our body warm. It also helps to ease the damaged tissues.

Rest and Relaxation

If you are having back pain during periods, you should take rest, it provides relief from pain. You should not lift heavy objects during pain so that the pain does not increase further. Do some yoga and read books for relaxation. A hot bath also provides relaxation from pain. 

Good Posture

Sitting properly gives relief from pain. We need to sleep properly so that we don’t have any pain. Good posture improves the energy level, helps to reduce neck and shoulder pain, improves the blood circulation in the body and also promotes positive thinking in the mind, and improves self-confidence.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is good for back pain. It not only helps to reduce back pain but also helps to increase the strength of our body, keeps us away from medicines, protects us from future injury, and reduces the requirement for surgery.


Prevent lifting heavy weights, as this can lead to a severe back injury and result in back pain.

Consult a medical healthcare expert before starting any kind of treatment.

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