Medical Advice



The other name for esophagus narrowing is esophageal stricture. Many people suffer from this problem these days. It is the condition when the food pipe becomes narrow and the person suffering faces difficulty in swallowing the food. The main reason why people experience this condition so often due to their unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits. 

Earlier, there were few to no cases of esophageal stricture but now that people eat so much spicy and oily foods, they suffer because of this problem.

In this article, we will take a look at some home remedies to treat the narrowing of the esophagus naturally. 

What is Esophageal Stricture?

It is a medical condition in which the food pipe that connects the abdomen and the throat becomes narrow. This condition makes the swallowing of solid and liquid foods difficult. There could be many possible reasons for esophageal stricture like inflammation, scarring, or pressure from the adjacent body organs, etc. 

The condition of esophageal stricture is taken seriously by medical advisers because it can make the gulping of food difficult, and can get worse with time. It is better to treat the problem as soon as possible to avoid any adverse health complications.

Causes and Symptoms of Esophagus Narrowing

Here is a list of a few symptoms and causes of esophagus narrowing.


The foremost cause of esophagus narrowing includes digestive problems, especially GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). It is a condition when gastric content from the abdomen flows back to the esophagus, leading to scarring and the building of stricture.

  • GERD
  • Tumor, or cancer in the esophagus
  • Neck and chest radiation therapy
  • Scarring in the food pipe
  • Very frequent use of the nasogastric tube
  • Eosinophilic Esophagitis (a chronic condition of esophagus swelling)


There could be many symptoms for the narrowing of the esophagus depending on the seriousness of the condition. Some signs might not be very common than the others. It is advised to seek medical treatment immediately when you start experiencing these symptoms.

  • Feeling of food stuck in the food tube
  • Discomfort, and pain in the chest
  • Losing weight due to difficulty in eating food
  • Choking and coughing
  • Difficulty in gulping the food
  • Heartburn
  • Undigested liquid and food coming back to the mouth


Natural treatment for esophageal stricture might not completely treat the problem, but it can help in alleviating the effects of esophageal stricture. If the symptoms are mild you can try these home remedies to get some relief. It is advised to seek medical treatment if the condition looks serious. 

Change in Diet and Lifestyle

To treat esophageal stricture at home you need to make some changes in your diet and lifestyle.

  • Divide your meals into small portions, this will help in easy digestion of food.
  • Avoid eating oily, spicy and acidic food. These food items might trigger the acid reflux resulting in worsening of the problem.
  • Choose soft and easy-to-swallow foods like mashed potato, scrambled egg, yogurt etc. 
  • Avoid wearing tight clothes, they can put a pressure on your food pipe.
  • Don’t lay on the bed  immediately after eating.
  • Drink enough water when taking medicines.
  • Avoid certain painkillers, they might trigger the problem.
  • Quit smoking and drinking.
  • Try to maintain a healthy weight to avoid the pressure on the esophagus.
  • To reduce the pressure on esophagus, maintain a good body posture.

Other Remedies to Reduce the Effect of Narrowing of the Food Pipe

Here are a few additional remedies that you can try at home if you are facing the problem of esophageal stricture.

Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties that can help in alleviating the effects of esophageal stricture. It reduces the lining of the esophagus and gives a sense of relief. 

You can drink 2-3 ounces of aloe vera mixed with each glass of water before your meal every day to get the desired results.


Ginger contains some anti-inflammatory properties that can help with esophagus narrowing. It increases the gastrointestinal motility, resulting in alleviating the effects of esophageal stricture. 

You can drink ginger tea, ginger supplements, etc., every day to get relief.

Pineapple Juice

Pineapple contains bromelain, which helps in reducing inflammation and breaking down of protein. It aids digestion by reducing the acid reflux. 

You can drink a glass of fresh pineapple juice after taking your meal to control acid reflux symptoms.

Habits That Can Stop the Worsening of Esophageal Stricture

Here is a list of a few habits that can help you in controlling the worsening effects of esophageal stricture.

  • Avoid foods that are hard to swallow
  • Limit the consumption of alcohol
  • Avoid spicy, acidic, and oily foods
  • Don’t delay the medical treatment when facing acid reflux
  • Try to maintain a healthy weight
  • Abstain from substances that can harm the food pipe like aspirin, house cleaning liquids, antibiotics, battery acid etc.
  • Avoid smoking


The problem of esophageal stricture is serious and can really make a person feel uneasy, leading to other medical conditions. The main cause for narrowing of food pipe is GERD. To prevent it, you need to avoid foods that can cause acid reflux. You can try the healthy lifestyle habits and home remedies mentioned in the article to get relief from the problem of esophageal stricture.

If the symptoms are serious, immediately seek advice from a healthcare provider.

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